After releasing 7 EPs in 2010, Eric Littman of Phantom Power has just dropped his first of 2011 called You Are Who You Meet on January 20th. Working out of an oversized closet attached to his room, Littman makes some laid-back and easy listening indie pop, sometimes working with dreamy distortion and other times creating danceable disco-like beats. The song that stood out to me most out of his recent 9-song collection falls under the latter, a catchy psych-riff called "Free Thought Just Can't Be". Take a listen to it below, hope ya'll dig it.
For me, music is more than just art. Music is more of a force, able to stir one's emotions, awaken one's senses, and unite people under a common denominator. It is an essential part to my life.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Cut Copy
Zonoscope, the new release by Cut Copy couldn't have come at a better time for me. Literally two days before I left for my study abroad in Spain, I received news that it had leaked early. I had always worried about what the music situation would be like abroad; I didn't know if acquiring it was going to be something hard to do, and people who know me or read this blog already know that I love Cut Copy. Getting this album was of the highest priority. If their previous album In Ghost Colours was in the form of a woman, I'd probably marry her (that's not weird to say, is it?). So knowing that'd I'd have it to listen to in Spain was relieving. The best part, though, was that it was good. Really, really, really good! In the weeks leading up to my first listen, I experienced nightmares about the possibility of it being terrible. Yet instead it provides an interesting crossroads between In Ghost Colours and their future releases, perhaps a transition of sounds (like the 15 minute "Sun God", maybe a hint towards their forthcoming songs?). I had constantly read about how they wanted Zonoscope to introduce more organic percussion and create something different from In Ghost Colours, which they definitely accomplished to a degree. Still, they stuck to many of the similar elements that made In Ghost Colours so great. For example, the flow in Zonoscope is incredible, and is done so well that the entire record almost becomes one, its own entity. It's truly a great album, to be listened to start to finish. With all of this going on, Zonoscope has been on repeat and is playing on my iTunes/iPod constantly. With the early release, I'm lucky to have the chance to listen to it when exploring Europe, and it has already become the soundtrack for my early travels...couldn't ask for anything better.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
2011....a new year with a new promise of great music and high ambitions. For a while I debated which album would be the first to usher me into this new time span, and came up with Kaputt by Destroyer. Even though it leaked several weeks early, I didn't have much interest in listening to it before I heard the song "Chinatown", which I found myself loving. I figured it to be a good introduction to 2011, despite the fact that I had no idea what I was getting in to (I have not heard any of the previous Destroyer albums). In the end, I found the album to be very enjoyable; a record full of smooth jazz elements and loud whispered vocals. With his light use of saxophones and flutes, he is able to a create a very dreamy and atmospheric background, features which are present in the majority of his tracks. In many portions of Kaputt, he carries the airy environment from song to song, where the flow can make the album seem ambient at points. This is especially exemplified in the long "Bay of Pigs", an 11-minute journey through Destroyer's disco, jazz, and rock influences. When all is said and done, it becomes a record you can get lost in....a very pleasant listen. You can check out favorites "Chinatown" and "Kaputt" below.
Hope ya'll dig it!
Hope ya'll dig it!
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Collagé Party

Be sure to check out the MySpace for some more tunes.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Soft Black
Inspiration for music, or just about anything that involves creativity, can come from a multitude of different sources. Whether it's childhood memories or another person's work that stirs the innovative region of the mind, just about everyone is unique. For example, take the band Soft Black, who are known for making music based on lead singer's Vincent Cacchione's nightmares. Their promotional song "Lions" is no different, which came from a dream of a brutal lion clash in the African savanna. At first, a song about nightmares may sound dark and gloomy, perhaps a little gothic. This isn't the case, instead the music sounds raw and down to earth, or as Soft Black describes as "unapologetic" and "unfeigned". "Lions" sounds pure, going back to the days of classic rock where all you needed was a guitar, bass, and drums, making it a great song to show live. This may be a reason why they've decided to endorse the track on the Green Screening Project, which is a medium provided by indie-label director Drew Norton to allow up-and-coming bands to shoot a music video and "bring their sound to life". Included in the project is a band I've written about previously, Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr.. Check out the video of "Lions" below, with an MP3 of the performance they have offered for free.
You can check out more of the project here.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

January 18th will be a great day. Not only do we get this release, but also the new Decemberists, Braids, Smith Westerns, and Tennis albums are slated for that day. Awesome. Totally awesome.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
One of the albums that I was really excited to cover in one of my end of year lists was European by the Swedish quartet Sambassadeur (named after Serge Gainsbourg's song "Les Sambassadeurs"). When all was said and done, I placed European as #9 on my list for 2010, so naturally I was excited to get some thoughts down about it. Although it was released many months ago in mid-February, the record still strikes a great chord within me. Perhaps one of the most brilliant aspects of it is Anna Persson's lush vocals; pure and resonant, which help drive the songs through the album. European also utilizes an orchestra of string instruments, in many instances using violins to add a filling backdrop to complete a rich sound. Another reason the album appeals to me is the overall atmosphere that embodies it; the summery and airy twee pop matching the artwork, cruising on a yacht in July on the Mediterranean. In essence, it sounds quite European to me. Below I've posted "Days" and "Small Parade" from European below, hope ya'll dig it.
Small Parade
You can check out more at their MySpace.
Small Parade
You can check out more at their MySpace.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Work Drugs

Dog Daze
You can download this and "Third Wave" for free at their SoundCloud or Bandcamp. You can also check out their Facebook or MySpace.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Fierce Creatures

Satan Is a Vampire
Hope ya'll dig it, and if you want more, be sure to check out their MySpace.
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