For me, music is more than just art. Music is more of a force, able to stir one's emotions, awaken one's senses, and unite people under a common denominator. It is an essential part to my life.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
The last time that I checked in with Summerays, the solo man Luke Teeters' newly released single had me feeling nostalgic about my college life and the graduation of some of my good buddies. But that's what beach rock tends to do to me, instill some nostalgia, and Teeters is wonderful within this style of music. In preparation for the release of his debut album, Summer Daze, Summerays has premiered yet another winner through the blog Start-track. The leading single is called "Ahoy There!", and it's what you'd expect from an idea born in the sandy coasts by the water. The short, sun-filled, feel good ditty is accompanied with another new song, "Sunshine", which has been released via a music video. Have a listen to both below, and then visit Facebook for more information. Bandcamp and SoundCloud also have some additional tracks from previous releases. And remember! Keep an eye out for Summer Daze, which will be released Bandcamp style on January 1, 2013 on a pay as you want basis. Get ready!
Friday, December 21, 2012
Ahhhh yes, the last Friday before the Christmas holiday week kicks in to full gear. Well as the stress builds leading up the 25th and shopping crowds pack into malls like sardines, here's a little gem to help you take your mind off things. "Fairy Flash", the new song from the French producer CIRC, is a hypnotic lullaby of sorts, attacking the seratonin receptors of the brain. As the busy shopping times are upon us, let this cradle you in a blanket of warmth. Head over to SoundCloud for some more tracks.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
EIMIC is a little tough to figure out; the band is currently located in Moscow, and as such a majority of their information is in Russian. I can't speak the language, and I sure can't read it, so finding out about them is a little more difficult than usual. With this in mind, here's what I am able to tell you: the group contains three members, they've released two LPs in the past (4 and Automatic Movements), and they've recently released a new song called "Illusion". Judging from their photos, it also seems like they've been around the block a few times, having already garnered a pretty steady following. Their pictures display large, elaborate light shows complete with backdrops dedicated to their name, and seem to show that they've played in festivals that have attracted nice volumes of people. I could see "Illusion" fitting that mold very well, for the sound is massive and ambitious. Using some electronics to help their point, EIMIC (which stands for Everything Is Made In China) is able to create an arena-filling, atmospheric rock ballad that is driven home with distorted, fuzzy guitar licks. Put on some nice headphones and you're in for an experience! I've posted "Illusion" below, including the psychedelic music video if you're interested. Afterward, check out more of their stuff on SoundCloud, with more info coming at you from Twitter, Facebook, and their homepage. Happy deciphering!
Work Drugs
The Philly glo-fi group Work Drugs has begun prepping music fans for their 2nd album, so consider yourselves lucky, because that means new songs. Arriving in time before the apocalypse, the band has put out a new single in celebration of their two year anniversary, "Young Lungs". At least now we have two days to enjoy it before the world ends. "Young Lungs" contains a lot of what you would expect from Work Drugs; it's a smooth, synth-filled jam complete with their newfound tool, the sax. The difference is that "Young Lungs" is one of their noisier, more complex tracks to date. Here, you won't find much empty space, and it's nice to see that extra capacity being used. As mentioned before, "Young Lungs" will appear on their sophomore album, which is slated for a 2013 release. Have a listen to it below to get a first taste. For more, you can visit their respective Facebook, Twitter, Bandcamp, and SoundCloud pages.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Over the past couple of the weeks I've begun to realize that New York City's disco-infused group THAT WORK is one of the metro's best kept secrets. Having only released three songs without an EP or album to their name, the band appears to be hidden with only 228 followers on SoundCloud and 390 likes of Facebook. I am sure those numbers are going to skyrocket in the upcoming months, for these guys are just too good for them not to. Their most recent song, "Act Like You Know", carries a synthy flare much in the same light as Holy Ghost! When stripped to the bone, THAT WORK's material is indebted to older disco influences yet also finds ways to incorporate sounds that are much more relatable to the modern era. "Act Like You Know" continues this pattern, coming across as an edgy, cutting jam that leaves the perfect amount of room for a dancing option. I've posted their new song "Act Like You Know" below, along with an older track entitled "Secret Lover". Check out their SoundCloud for other songs and remixes, and then hit up Facebook for any extra info. Enjoy!
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Potpourri of Pearls
Philadelphia's dance pop band Potpourri of Pearls writes the kind of music that makes your ears perk up. Soaked with influences of disco and '80s-era synth pop, Potpourri of Pearls has a quirky style that is unusual in just about every aspect. Their debut album Why does Coco cry?, which came out in late November, will keep you guessing around every track. Part of the reason for this is that their music contains dozens of elements and goes through a multitude of changes. Just listen to "Shadow on My Shoulder"; at times the song seems void of sound, almost coming across as no-wave, while at other moments it's entrapped in a haze of atmospheric synths. Sometimes it's a mix of both. At the very least I've got to give credit to them for experimenting, they've certainly created a unique, and oddly catchy, world within their album. To get a hold of Why does Coco cry? you can head over to their Bandcamp. You can also take a visit to their SoundCloud, Twitter, Facebook for more. While you're doing that, take a listen to "Diamond Harbor" and "Shadow on My Shoulder" below.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Stumbleine has been around for a while, dishing out beautiful atmospheric dream beats at a high rate since 2010. Whether it be a single, EP, or full-length LP, Stumbleine has dominated the front page of Bandcamp's chillwave tag, partly due to the incredibly expedient distribution of material. There has been so much, in fact, that a large majority of prior output has been removed from the internet, and yet there still remains an adequate pool to experiment with and listen to. While I have not followed Stumbleine voraciously throughout this time, I must say that this year's new album, Spiderwebbed, is the most-developed and cohesive that I've heard so far. I had always liked Stumbleine, but over time I began to feel he had fallen into a repeating run-of-the-mill chillwave sound, a common problem within the genre. Spiderwebbed proves me wrong, putting my money where my mouth is; from start to finish we're treated to an inescapable dream-filled landscape of swirling electronics, the main element being the swirling, spacious synths that soar to striking heights. Each track delivers its own charm, switching tempos and alternating tones, to give a remarkable listening experience. He has also added subtle accents of dub beats, which have really paid off, presenting Spiderwebbed with a unique flare. Enough of me, to actually listen to or buy the album take a visit to Bandcamp, and then head over to Facebook to show some love. For a sneak peak I've posted three of my favorites below; "If You", "The Corner Of Her Eye", and "Kaleidoscope". Enjoy!
If YouThe Corner Of Her EyeKaleidoscope
If YouThe Corner Of Her EyeKaleidoscope
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
New Animal
Today I was introduced to the Atlanta-based duo New Animal, and while I might be a tad tardy on this one it's better late than never, right? The band consists of members Kris Hermstad and Derek Burdette, two dudes who have been buddies since their middle school days. Despite all the years, they didn't collaborate musically until 2010, after which they put together three releases over the course of a year, including a self-titled debut. The range in their songwriting is impressive, touching upon a multitude of genres and writing styles including kraut rock, lo-fi, and electronic expressions. What caught my eye, though, was their most recent single "Falling Up", which came late this summer. If this is the culmination of everything they've done then I can't wait to hear what comes next. In an atmospheric haze of psychedelic pop, "Falling Up" is an emotional reflection on "the ability to let go", an idea that is captured using somber tones mixed with a high-pitched, brooding vocal track. Check it out below, then hit up their homepage or Facebook if you want to learn more. Spinner is offering a free download if you choose to use it.
New Animal - Falling Up by Old Flame Records
New Animal - Falling Up by Old Flame Records
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Beach Fossils
Don't you love it when your day gets off on the right foot? I woke up today, quite unenthusiastically, expecting a day full of bullshit classes when all of a sudden I found out that Beach Fossils had announced a new album and single. In one full swoop my day became much, much better. With bassist John Pena involved in his solo act Heavenly Beat and lead guitarist Zachary Cole Smith doing his DIIV shindig the past year, I wasn't sure when this was going to happen. Alas, the answer is here now; Clash the Truth will be released on February 19th, 2013 via the always brilliant Captured Tracks. Along with the announcement they have also released the first single from the forthcoming LP entitled "Careless". It's instantly recognizable as a Beach Fossils brainchild, utilizing carefree guitar riffs that glisten with every pluck. The track is also drenched with lush atmospheres, indicating that we might see a bit of a divergence from their past work. Have a listen below, and then pick up your gift of a free download here. Snag it while you can!
Monday, December 3, 2012
Hazy Mountains
Around a month ago I posted on the then new single, "New Wings", that was released as a compilation of Villa Kang and Hazy Mountains. I had known about Villa Kang for quite some time prior as I had covered him on previous instances, but Hazy Mountains was a relatively new name to me. I went to do a little investigative work and ended up downloading his second EP, Lapis Lazuli. The days following this have been wonderful, and exploring his music has become quite a treat. What really put me over the edge in helping me realize this was the last track "Window Vision", which I first heard while blasting in my car on a late night drive. To fully appreciate this song, and much of his others, you've got to listen start to finish. "Window Vision" is a perfect example of the never-ending sprawl Hazy Mountains tries to achieve, using soaring synths to set aside an expanse of dreamy spaces. The wait, the growth, the's all worthwhile. Have a listen to "Window Vision" below, then be sure to head over to Bandcamp to grab it. There, he is also offering a new album called Breeze, something I'll most definitely be checking out in the future.
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