The story of La Boum Fatale begins in 2010 during a media technology course in Hamburg. It is here that the German duo of Antonio de Spirit and Levente Pavelka met up and got to know each other. Shortly after, they started to figure out that their music preferences were very similar, and they eventually discovered a mutual interest in starting a band that was "electronic, experimental, cool, and straight-forward". Their June 29th, 2012 release of Damwild proved to live up to those expectations. La Boum Fatale plays with a kind of subdued minimalism, electronic tracks that don't flood your headphones but instead lead your ears down a steady, solid road of experimental drum beats and sounds. Not only is it cool, but it's absorbing. In case you missed it a few months ago, I've placed their lead single from Damwild, "AAA", below for you to listen to. As an extra goodie, I've put 9b0 remix of another track "Rumple" there, too. You can reach La Boum Fatale's Facebook here as well as their SoundCloud here.
La Boum Fatale - AAA (Single Edit) by Sinnbus
La Boum Fatale - Rumple (9b0 Remix) by Sinnbus
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