Thursday, July 19, 2012


Following up on a post I wrote around two weeks ago on the Toronto group Bravestation, I'm happy to say that their full album Giants & Dreamers has officially been released.  I've been lucky enough to have the opportunity to listen to it a bunch recently, and it's certainly an impressive spin. The overall concept of it is very much similar to their songs like "Western Thrills" and "Signs of the Civilized", two tracks which made their rounds on the blogosphere. The style is what they've described as quirky, tribal pop, descriptors that are quite accurate.  Their sound is definitely unique, so hopefully they're able to carve out a big niche for themselves and we'll get to hear more of their material in the future.  I've posted some favorites from the LP below, "Fluorescent Scenes" and "Kaleidoscope", which you can stream below.  If you want to snag the album, you can do so at their Bandcamp.

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